and what better way to start than going to Legoland?!?
in the middle of a trip through north Bavaria (Franconia)
and a hot to some Baden-Württemberg cities on the way home!
we left sunday heading towards Nördlingen
but after having seen Rothemburg a while ago
in the end it did not seem so interesting...
afterwards we headed to Augsburg passing by Shloss Harburg.
we had ice cream in the pedestrian area in Augsburg
going along a wide street where the trams go through...
and kept on going to Günzburg where we spent the night (near Legoland)!
monday really early, a sunny and warm day, we went into Legoland!
it was a fantastic day! I need to make a post only about this visit,
and show some of the hundred photos I ended up taking!
but it's for the kids that Legoland is especially fantastic!
tuesday we woke up early again (staying in the centre is not always good...)
the churche's bell rang at 7h, without stopping for 10 whole minutes,
and it rang at 8h... and afterwards at 9h... and every 15 minutes...
we headed towards Ulm to see the enormous Ulmer Münster
had lunch close by, close to the clock in the oposite side of the square,
which rings with a composition played in bells (looked like porcelain).
afterwards, before coming back to Darmstadt, we went through Karlsruhe
with an interesting urban organization based on the location of the Palace
and the normous gardens that start in its back!
today is for resting and for preparing tomorrow's trip!